Wildcat Falls - Pisgah National Forest
Wildcat Falls - Pisgah National Forest

10-7-13 - I have no excuse for not adding Wildcat Falls to the site years ago. Well actually I do - I forgot! My first visit to this falls was back in 2005 and I just assumed I had it on the site. I revisited in early October 2013 for autumn shots and realized my mistake when I got back home. Anyhow, this one is a fairly easy hike - not quite 3/4 of a mile one way - and is kid friendly. The waterfall is on a tributary of the west fork of the Pigeon River and is 50-60' high. It's best seen during periods of above average rainfall.

Directions: Wildcat Falls is along the Flat Laurel Creek Trail. The shortest hike to the waterfall is to begin the hike at the trail head in the small camping area just off of Hwy 215. From the Blue Ridge Parkway, drive north on Hwy 215 for 0.8 miles and the camping area will be down a steep gravel driveway on the right. This area is small and I think there's only one primitive site here, so if someone is camped here there may not be any room to park. Another option is to park in the gravel parking area that is 0.4 miles down Hwy 215 from the Parkway on the left and walk along the road the additional 0.4 miles. Be careful if you do this! This section of road is curvy. Or - you could park at the end of FR816 (Black Balsam Rd) off of the Parkway near Graveyard Fields and hike the Flat Laurel Creek Trail down to the falls from that end. Pull into the parking area and the trail head is at the far end of the paved area. This makes the hike to the falls about 3 miles or so - but you will also pass the Flat Laurel Creek cascades.

If you come in from the Hwy 215 end, the trail begins at the old logging road that goes down and crosses Bubbling Spring Branch. You should be able to rock hop without getting your feet wet. The trail continues as this old railroad grade and climbs steadily towards the waterfall. After a few minutes, the trail crosses a small branch with a couple of smaller waterfalls on the right (photo below).

Continue up the trail to the concrete bridge shown in the first photo on this page. The main part of the waterfall will be to your right, but you can also scramble down the bank on the far side of the creek for that view. For non-scramblers, this is the view you will have of the waterfall.

Wildcat Falls - Pisgah National Forest
Wildcat Falls - Pisgah National Forest

If you want to hike to Wildcat Falls from the other end of the Flat Laurel Creek Trail, take FR816 (Black Balsam Rd) off of the Blue Ridge Parkway around MP420 - between Devil's Courthouse and Graveyard Fields. Drive to the end of the road and park. In the summer months this area can be very crowded. The Flat Laurel Creek Trail begins at the far end of the paved parking area. The trail begins by heading mostly south, but will swing to the west after about 3/4 of a mile or so. After about another 1/2 mile, look for the Little Sam Trail that comes in from the left. This trail heads up towards Devil's Courthouse and connects to the Mountains to Sea Trail in that area. Continue along the Flat Laurel Creek Trail passing the Sam Knob Trail on the right, then the cascades and falls of Flat Laurel Creek. The trail will again swing to the south and away from the creek. It's about a mile to Wildcat Falls from here.


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