Duggers Creek Falls - Blue Ridge Parkway
Duggers Creek Falls

Duggers Creek Falls is an interesting little waterfall tucked away just off of the Linville Falls parking area. Most people that visit Linville Falls don't even know this waterfall is here. What is interesting is the layered rock lining the micro gorge that leads up to the 15' waterfall. The hike to the above view from the bridge over Duggers Creek is an easy 0.1 mile. Then it's a little scramble down to creek level for a view under the bridge. To me, the best pictures are from wading up the creek into the chasm, so come prepared for that if you are a photographer.

Directions: Get on the Blue Ridge Parkway at your favorite spot and drive to the Linville Falls area between mile posts 317 and 316. At MP316.5, turn on to Linville Falls Rd and drive 1.4 miles to the parking area for Linville Falls. You'll pass the Linville Falls Campground and the river bend overlook parking area before getting to the end of the road. Just before you get to the parking lot, you'll cross Duggers Creek. Park in the lot and walk back to the Duggers Creek end of the parking lot - opposite the visitor center. The trail begins in the upper far corner of the parking lot.

Head up the obvious trail and bear left towards the creek. Walk a very short distance to the bridge. The view of the falls from the bridge isn't bad, but some rhododendron kind of get in the way. Cross the bridge and look on the left for where people scramble down to get to creek level. The trail also continues from that bridge and loops back around for less than 1/4 mile, and come out right where Linville Falls Rd comes into the parking lot. There's a nice little cascade down here that can make a nice photo subject also. The next 2 pictures are ones from where I waded up the creek under the bridge towards the waterfall and the last is the small cascade near the road.

Duggers Creek Falls - Blue Ridge Parkway

Duggers Creek Falls - Blue Ridge Parkway

Duggers Creek - Blue Ridge Parkway


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