last update 1-13-15 - I've been experimenting with video clips on the site for several years now to help give you a better feel of what it's like at some of these gorgeous falls. To me - pictures are nice, video is better, but it still isn't like being there in person. I began shooting with small camcorders back in the Digital 8 days, but now use a combination of my still cameras and GoPro.  All of my videos are now posted on my YouTube Channel here.  If you subscribe, you'll be notified whenever I post a new one.   I still have videos posted on my Vimeo Channel and you may find some there that I don't have on YouTube. Now that I'm retired, I have more time to shoot and still have older video clips that I need to go through and process.  I've also been embedding some of these videos into the web site and plan on returning to a lot of the waterfalls so I can get footage (or better footage) to post with the directions to the waterfalls.  Thanks for looking!





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